El Prof. de Ridder es un neurocirujano, que desarrolla su labor en Amberes, Belgica y es un experto en intervenciones y procedimientos neuroquirugicos para el tratamiento de los acúfenos.
Entre sus últimas publicaciones cientificas figuran:
2009: Menovsky Tomas; De Ridder Dirk; de Vries JoostNeurosurgical patties and their intraoperative interaction with neural tissue.Surgical neurology 2009;71(3):326-9.
2008: De Ridder Dirk; Menovsky Tomas; Van Laer Carl; Van de Heyning PaulRemote tentorium meningioma causing sudden sensorineural deafness.Surgical neurology 2008;70(3):312-7; discussion 318.
2008: Menovsky Tomas; De Ridder DirkSimple intraoperative technique for hemostasis of cervical venous bleeding.Neurosurgery 2008;62(5 Suppl 2):ONS442-4; discussion ONS444.
2007: De Ridder Dirk; Menovsky TomasNeurovascular compression of the abducent nerve causing abducent palsy treated by microvascular decompression. Case report.Journal of neurosurgery 2007;107(6):1231-4.
2007: Smits Marion; Kovacs Silvia; de Ridder Dirk; Peeters Ronald R; van Hecke Paul; Sunaert StefanLateralization of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation in the auditory pathway of patients with lateralized tinnitus.Neuroradiology 2007;49(8):669-79.
2007: De Ridder Dirk; Heijneman Karin; Haarman Benno; van der Loo ElsaTinnitus in vascular conflict of the eighth cranial nerve: a surgical pathophysiological approach to ABR changes.Progress in brain research 2007;166():401-11.
2007: De Ridder D; De Mulder G; Menovsky T; Sunaert S; Kovacs SElectrical stimulation of auditory and somatosensory cortices for treatment of tinnitus and pain.Progress in brain research 2007;166():377-88.
2007: De Ridder Dirk; Van de Heyning PaulThe Darwinian plasticity hypothesis for tinnitus and pain.Progress in brain research 2007;166():55-60.
2007: De Ridder Dirk; van der Loo Elsa; Van der Kelen Karolien; Menovsky Tomas; van de Heyning Paul; Moller AageDo tonic and burst TMS modulate the lemniscal and extralemniscal system differentially?International journal of medical sciences 2007;4(5):242-6.
2007: De Ridder Dirk; van der Loo Elsa; Van der Kelen Karolien; Menovsky Tomas; van de Heyning Paul; Moller AageTheta, alpha and beta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation: brain modulation in tinnitus.International journal of medical sciences 2007;4(5):237-41.
2007: De Ridder D; De Mulder G; Verstraeten E; Seidman M; Elisevich K; Sunaert S; Kovacs S; Van der Kelen K; Van de Heyning P; Moller AAuditory cortex stimulation for tinnitus.Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 2007;97(Pt 2):451-62.
2007: De Ridder D; De Mulder G; Verstraeten E; Sunaert S; Moller ASomatosensory cortex stimulation for deafferentation pain.Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 2007;97(Pt 2):67-74.
2006: De Ridder Dirk; Fransen Hendrik; Francois Olivier; Sunaert Stefan; Kovacs Silvia; Van De Heyning PaulAmygdalohippocampal involvement in tinnitus and auditory memory.Acta oto-laryngologica. Supplementum 2006;(556):50-3.
2006: Kovacs Silvia; Peeters Ronald; Smits Marion; De Ridder Dirk; Van Hecke Paul; Sunaert StefanActivation of cortical and subcortical auditory structures at 3 T by means of a functional magnetic resonance imaging paradigm suitable for clinical use.Investigative radiology 2006;41(2):87-96.
2006: De Ridder Dirk; De Mulder Gert; Verstraeten Edwin; Van der Kelen Karolien; Sunaert Stefan; Smits Marion; Kovacs Silvia; Verlooy Jan; Van de Heyning Paul; Moller Aage RPrimary and secondary auditory cortex stimulation for intractable tinnitus.ORL; journal for oto-rhino-laryngology and its related specialties 2006;68(1):48-54; discussion 54-5.
2005: De Ridder Dirk; De Ridder Leo; Nowé Vicky; Thierens Hubert; Van de Heyning Paul; Møller AagePulsatile tinnitus and the intrameatal vascular loop: why do we not hear our carotids?Neurosurgery 2005;57(6):1213-7; discussion 1213-7.
2005: De Ridder Dirk; Verstraeten Edwin; Van der Kelen Karolien; De Mulder Gert; Sunaert Stefan; Verlooy Jan; Van de Heyning Paul; Moller AageTranscranial magnetic stimulation for tinnitus: influence of tinnitus duration on stimulation parameter choice and maximal tinnitus suppression.Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology 2005;26(4):616-9.
2005: De Ridder D; Ryu H; De Mulder G; Van de Heyning P; Verlooy J; Møller AFrequency specific hearing improvement in microvascular decompression of the cochlear nerve.Acta neurochirurgica 2005;147(5):495-501; discusssion 501.
2004: Nowé V; De Ridder D; Van de Heyning P H; Wang X L; Gielen J; Van Goethem J; Ozsarlak O; De Schepper A M; Parizel P MDoes the location of a vascular loop in the cerebellopontine angle explain pulsatile and non-pulsatile tinnitus?European radiology 2004;14(12):2282-9.
2004: De Ridder Dirk; De Mulder Gert; Walsh Vincent; Muggleton Neil; Sunaert Stefan; Møller AageMagnetic and electrical stimulation of the auditory cortex for intractable tinnitus. Case report.Journal of neurosurgery 2004;100(3):560-4.
2004: De Ridder Dirk; Ryu Hiroshi; Møller Aage R; Nowé Vicky; Van de Heyning Paul; Verlooy JanFunctional anatomy of the human cochlear nerve and its role in microvascular decompressions for tinnitus.Neurosurgery 2004;54(2):381-8; discussion 388-90.
2004: Nowé Vicky; Michiels Johan L P; Salgado Rodrigo; De Ridder Dirk; Van de Heyning Paul H; De Schepper Arthur M; Parizel Paul MHigh-resolution virtual MR endoscopy of the cerebellopontine angle.AJR. American journal of roentgenology 2004;182(2):379-84.
2003: Van Havenbergh T; Koekelkoren E; De Ridder D; Van De Heyning P; Verlooy JImage guided surgery for petrous apex lesions.Acta neurochirurgica 2003;145(9):737-42; discussion 742.
2002: De Ridder Dirk; Møller Aage; Verlooy Jan; Cornelissen Maria; De Ridder LeoIs the root entry/exit zone important in microvascular compression syndromes?Neurosurgery 2002;51(2):427-33; discussion 433-4.
2002: De Ridder Dirk; Alessi Giovanni; Lemmerling Marc; Fransen Hendrik; De Waele LucHemilingual spasm: a new neurosurgical entity?